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Every American citizen justly takes pride in this great national undertaking, and interest deepens as its completion draws near.

We have therefore gathered the authentic views contained in this book, and present them to our friends and patrons so they may see the actual construction of this great Canal, which "divides the land and unites the world."

In addition to the views, we present valuable statistics compiled direct from official Government reports, giving in concise form a good idea of the magnitude of this enterprise.  Thus the book possesses historical interest and educational value, especially for the rising generation, which will be even greater after the Canal is completed, as it will then be impossible to obtain these views.


Zone Police.  These men are a semi-military organization very like the Canadian Mounted Police.  They are a splendid body of men and have brought law and order into the Zone.  The majority of the men are Spanish War Veterans

Colonel Geo. W. Goethals, Chief Engineer of the Panama Canal, in his Office at Panama.   The greatest living engineer in charge of the biggest engineering undertaking in the world—not only an engineer but a highly efficient business executive who has "made the dirt fly" to such a good purpose that the great ditch will be completed before the schedule time, and within the cost provided by the Government.

Canal Statistics

Torro Point Breakwater, from the Sea.  One Mile of Trestle Completed

Gatun Lower Locks, Looking South, Showing Middle and Upper Locks in the Distance

Temporary Dam at Atlantic Side of Gatun Locks

Gatun Dam, East Section, Showing Discharge from Suction Dredge, with Hydraulic Fill, Looking West

Gatun Upper Locks, View Looking North, Showing Progress of Construction of Upper Gates in the East Chamber

Point No. 4, Near Gorgona, Looking South, Showing Completed Channel, 500 Feet Wide

Culebra Cut, Looking North, Between Contractor's Hill and Gold Hill

Pedro Miguel Locks, East Chamber Looking North

Culebra Cut at Empire Suspension Bridge.  Bottom of Cut to be 57 Feet Lower where the Cars Stand

Bird's Eye View of Pedro Miguel Locks, Looking South

Showing Part of a Lock.  The concrete work is 90 feet high.  The metal work is the mould.  The round hole in the right will be used to fill the locks with water, and is large enough for a railroad train to pass through.

A View Looking South from Top of Berm Crane at Pedro Miguel, Showing Stoning Trestles, Berm Crane and General View of Locks

Miraflores Upper Locks.  General View, Looking North from Lower East Bank

A View of one of the Berm Cranes as they appear at Miraflores.  They are used for Mixing and Conveying Concrete

Showing the Portable Concrete Mixers in Use at Miraflores Locks

Automobile Railway Bus, used by the U.S. Government at Panama

General View of Panama Bay and Ancon Hill

From the book:  The Panama Canal, Isthmian Historical Society,
copyright 1912 by James H. Rook Company, Chicago

June 8, 2001