The Panama Canal's 85th Anniversary Gala Extravaganza
August 13-15th 1999
Producer/Director Bruce Quinn

Click Pic for Larger Image

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The Admin

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In the beginning...

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Chinese Dragon

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Gaby Gnazzo

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Juliette Roy

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Sarah Knapp

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From Barbados to Panama

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Panama Canal Chorus

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Juan Carlos Adames

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G & G ...

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...Dance Company

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Sarah Knapp


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Cynthia Brown Franklin

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Romulo Castro


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Compañia Nacional de Danzas Folkloricas
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Thank you, Bruce!!

Message From The Administration

Eighty-five years ago, on August 15, 1914, a centuries old dream of an all-water route between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans was fulfilled with the opening of the Panama Canal.  that opening established a new crossroad of the world, linking east with west and north with south, and revolutionized maritime commerce.  Since then, over 825,000 ships have transited the Canal and it continues to stand as one of the most significant engineering achievements of mankind.

Less than five months from today, at noon on December 31, 1999, another dream will be fulfilled when the United States transfers ownership of the Canal to the people of Panama pursuant to the Torrizos-Carter Treaty of 1977.  The cooperation of our two governments under the theme of "One Team - One Mission" demonstrates how two countries with diverse interests can work together out of mutual respect to achieve a common purpose for the benefit of both.  That will be one of the most significant diplomatic achievements of mankind.

Today we celebrate both of these achievements and those whose efforts have made these dreams a reality.   But we also honor all Canal employees who will ensure that the future remains as bright as its dreamers hoped.  Their efforts during this 20-year transition period have helped ensure the transfer will be seamless.  Their efforts at modernizing and expanding the Canal will help ensure its continues to provide safe, efficient, and reliable service to the maritime community well into the next century.  Accordingly, we invite you to join us in celebrating the past, the present and the future and hope this night will be a memorable one for you.

Alberto Alemán Zubieta

Joseph W. Cornelison
Deputy Administrator

August 22, 1999

These photographs are the exclusive property of CZBrats.  Copying or reproducing is strictly forbidden without the express permission of CZBrats
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