Causeway Stories
A Collection of REALLY Tall Tales!

ball-r.gif (326 bytes) Bob Askew ball-r.gif (326 bytes) Rick Kelly
ball-r.gif (326 bytes) Ron Ferland ball-r.gif (326 bytes) Tom Carey
ball-r.gif (326 bytes) Julie (Fiori) Huther ball-r.gif (326 bytes) Roderick Macdonnell
ball-r.gif (326 bytes) Willy Palm ball-r.gif (326 bytes) Connie Robinson
ball-r.gif (326 bytes) Mike Maynes ball-r.gif (326 bytes) Tom Wedmore
    ball-r.gif (326 bytes) Louis Barbier

We are looking for MORE Causeway Stories!!!  Please send yours in to CZBrats.

Background: A View of the Causeway

CZ Brats
Last update: August 2, 2010
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